About us

Welcome to New Forest Walks – here’s more about the website and how you can enjoy some special walks in the New Forest.

NewForestWalks.co.uk is an independent guide to all aspects of walking in the New Forest National Park.

As a family-run website, we’re dedicated to help you find new and interesting places to go and explore the stunning habitats and landscapes in this unique part of England.

You’ll find a variety of easy-to-follow trails – from quick strolls that you can easily do with a pram or buggy, to longer all-day treks – and lots in between.  You’ll never be stuck for ideas on where to go in the New Forest again.

Our routes will help you spend family time discovering the wonder of the New Forest, surrounded by its spectacular scenery.

Or, if you are a dedicated hiker, you’ll also find routes to inspire and test you.

All the walks have been tried and tested … and enjoyed.  We try to revisit each route to update our pages if necessary – something you won’t get from a guidebook.

Become a New Forest Walks Member and you can follow your progress with maps and download GPX Tracks to use on Google Maps and other smartphone mapping apps, as well as GPS devices.

All the walks are written with the New Forest Code in mind, so we can all enjoy the forest sustainably and ensure future generations will be able to appreciate this remarkable part of the country.

We hope you enjoy doing the walks as much as we have.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a walk route that suits me?

Simple – head to our Walking Routes page for more than 30 stunning walking routes throughout the New Forest. They can be filtered into various categories – for example, if you are looking for a pub walk, or something suitable for kids.

You can also filter walks to Easy, Moderate or Strenuous depending on your ability and fitness level.

To find a walk near you, have a look at our Map page where you can filter the categories of walks at various locations throughout the New Forest.

To access the full range of information as well as the route map and GPX Tracks of every walk on the website, sign up or login as a New Forest walks Member.

How do I follow the route map on my phone?

On the walk page, open the View Map section and click on the locate button on the bottom left hand corner of the map. Ensure your location services are activated in order to see the GPS locator. You will also see a directional pointer to show which way you are facing.

You can use the Elevation bar under the map to measure the distance and elevation of the route – just drag your finger along it or drag your mouse.

iPhone users can go to Setting>Privacy>Location Services>Safari to enable.

Android phone users can open the Chrome App>More Settings>Location on

Viewing the route maps is a benefit of New Forest Walks Membership, so sign up or login for access to maps for all the walks.

How do I follow the route on a smartphone app?


A GPX Track file is a list of precise locations that make a up a route for walking or any other activity. This route can then be placed on top of a map for printing on paper or following on a phone screen.

On the walk page, tap on the Download GPX button to save the GPX Track to your phone or computer.

If you do not already have one, download an app which can import GPX files. We recommend Outdooractive,  GPX-Viewer  and OS Maps (subscription based), but other free and premium apps are available.

Open the app and import the route. Look for an option labelled ‘Import Route’ or ‘Import GPX file’. You then should be able to see the exact walk route on screen, allowing you to follow your progress while you complete your walk.

Note: OS Maps users can import the GPX file through the OS website or app. Full instructions can be found here.

Downloading GPX tracks is a benefit of New Forest Walks Membership, so sign up or login for access to tracks for all the walks.

Google Maps

To view your map on Google Maps, go to GoogleMyMaps on your computer or Android device and click on + Create a New Map.

Under ‘Untitled Layer’, click on Import and upload the GPX track file and click on Select. Give the walk a title and will appear in your saved list of maps which is accessible on the Google Maps app.

iPhone and iPad users will need to import the GPX Track into the Google Maps app via a desktop computer.

How do I follow the route on a GPS device?

GPX Track files are compatible with most brands of GPS devices designed for outdoor sports and navigation. 

From your smartphone or desktop computer, download the GPX Track file from your chosen walk.

Your user manual will have precise details, but in most cases you can connect the device to your computer by USB cable or Bluetooth, then sending the file to the device.

The route will then appear in the saved routes list on your device, and when active you will be able to follow it.

Downloading GPX Tracks is a benefit of New Forest Walks Membership, so sign up or login for access to tracks for all the walks.

How do I become a Member?

To get the most out of your walk in the forest, sign up for our great value New Forest Walks Membership – you’ll get full access to all the information on 30 stunning routes, each with a route map with GPS location so you can follow your progress.

You’ll also be able to download a GPS track for use on smartphone map apps or certain compatible GPS decices. There is also a PDF guide for each route which you can download and print. Visit our Membership page and fill in the form to join.

How long does my membership last?

There is no need to worry about membership renewals. For a one-off payment you will have full lifetime access to all the walk content.

As we add more walking routes and more functions to the website, you’ll have access to all new content.

Visit our Membership page and fill in the form to join.

Can I try a walk before becoming a Member?

Of course. Three walks are fully available with maps, essential information and GPX downloads – Lyndhurst-Brockenhurst Loop, Fritham and Rhinefield’s Tall Trees.

Visit our Membership page and fill in the form to join.

I've logged in but can't see members-only content

After you have logged in and visited a walk page, you may need to hit Refresh or reload the page, to ensure you have the version with the content exclusive to members – maps, essential information and GPX downloads. If you are still encountering problems please contact us and we will do our best to ensure you can access membership content.

What if I encounter a problem on the walk route?

Walking routes have been tried and tested but paths and tracks around the forest are liable to natural or manmade changes. Forestry work being carried out or events such as Pony Drifts and ground-nesting bird season may lead to restrictions on walking routes or car parks. We do our best to revisit walks to check they are still passable, but if you encounter any issue with a walk, please contact us and we can amend the route text if necessary.

What if I lose phone signal when following a walk on my smartphone?

Phone coverage of the New Forest has improved, however in some parts you can still encounter patchy signal strength.

If you are following the walk on your smartphone, ensure you access the page and map when you are in a strong signal area. The GPS location should still function without 3G or 4G signal. Alternatively, before you set off, use the ‘Print’ button at the bottom of each walking age to print a hard copy to take with you. It is also a good idea to take a paper map with you – (OS Explorer OL22 – incase you lose phone signal or power.

Downloading a GPX track for your walk means you can use it on a mapping app, or GPS device, which can be used offline.

NewForestWalks.co.uk members can also download PDF guides for each route – including the text description, essential information and map for each walk. Simply download and print them off before you set off.

What wildlife will I see on a walk?

The New Forest is one of the most biodiverse regions in Europe. The iconic New Forest ponies can be seen pretty much anywhere across the forest. There is other livestock such as cattle throughout the year and pigs are turned out onto the open forest during the pannage season every autumn. It is important not to get too close to the livestock and never try and feed them.

Can I suggest a walk route?

Absolutely – we’d love to hear your suggestions for walking routes. Head over to our contact page and send us the details.


NewForestWalks.co.uk is not responsible for any loss or injury suffered while on any of the walk routes.

While every effort was made to ensure that route information and descriptions were correct at the time of publication, the physical condition of paths and access in parts of the forest may change over time due to weather and environmental conditions, work being carried out in the forest or environmental protection measures.

Some routes cross or go alongside roads, so be aware of vehicle traffic. There are also forestry and agricultural vehicles at work in the forest.

Any mobile phone or GPS device could lose battery power or phone signal. Ensure you have a paper map (OS Explorer OL22) – Buy OS Explorer Maps direct from Ordnance Survey. GPX Tracks may show as being close to but not exactly on paths and tracks.

Walk distances and duration times are also approximate. Descriptions of ‘easy’, ‘moderate’ and ‘strenuous’ are indicative and relative to other walks on the website.

Walks in the ‘Buggy-friendly’ category have been tested with a standard baby buggy fitted with all-terrain wheels. The routes are almost all gravel tracks so are accessible for such buggies although weather conditions may affect the tracks.

Outlets in the Food and Drink listings are included on the basis of their proximity to the walk route or nearest village – there is no recommendation or endorsement intended.

All walkers should adhere to the New Forest Code.

Our full terms and conditions can be seen here.