Starting Point
Anderwood car park, Lyndhurst Road, Burley
4.5 MILES (7KM) – Circular
Anderwood is an ideal spot for a picnic before exploring the network of paths in the heart of the New Forest. This circular walk through mixed woodland runs mainly along the cycle network so is accessible in all seasons.
From the Anderwood car park, go through the gate and pass the picnic area. Continue for about 400m through the woodland – looking out for dens for the kids to explore – until the forest track meets the New Forest cycle network path.
Turn left on to this gravel track. Continue straight on, passing Hart Hill and crossing Blackensford Brook after 800m. The path leads in to Burley Outer Rails Inclosure.
Pass the barrier and follow the path as it curves round to the left and continue into Burley New Inclosure. Continue straight on at a crossroads where cycle route marker post 116 is located.
The path eventually bends round to the left. Follow the path and go through the gate in to Burley Old inclosure. Continue for another 900m until the path takes a 90 degree turn to the left.
Follow the path for 900m as it crosses the Black Water and continues straight to the Lyndhurst Road. Cross the road to arrive directly back to the Anderwood car park.