Janesmoor Pond
Starting Point
3 MILES (5KM) – Circular
Buggy-friendly | Campsites | Historical | Kids | Circular | Easy
Go through the gateposts, about 100m from Janesmoor Pond, into Kings Garn Gutter Inclosure. There is an area of cleared woodland to your right.
The path curves to the right after a short distance. Continue to follow the gravel path as its winds downhill for about 1km, going through a gate half way down. When the path reaches Cycle Post 26, turn right.
To extend this walk, you can join our Coppice of Linwood walk route (3 miles, 5km) by continuing straight at New Forest Cycle Marker Post 26. Follow the path until you come to an inclosure gate at cycle marker post 25.
Continue on the path, going through another gate a short distance later, until you come to a junction at cycle marker post 23.
The path then follows a circle around Coppice of Linwood before returning to this junction, from where you can retrace your steps to rejoin the Janesmoor pond walk route.
The concrete path is evidence of Stoney Cross airfield – one of 12 airfields in the New Forest during World War Two. Because of its flat open land and proximity to the coast, the forest was the perfect place to locate airfields for both fighters and bombers. Throughout the forest you’ll see areas of concreted ground which were side roads and taxiways for the bases.
The path takes you uphill through Longbeech campsite for about 1km. After leaving the campsite, in dry conditions there is a path cutting back to the car park across the open grassland. Otherwise continue to the road and follow it back to the car park.